Avoid an Infestation: 8 Common Signs of Mold in a House
Keyword: signs of mold
According to Statistics Canada, mold or mildew are noticed in 13 percent of dwellings in the country. The slightest case of water damage can attract mold, which blooms rapidly, provided there's lingering moisture on the walls, floors, and other surfaces of your home. Most building materials like drywall and wood, when combined with water, provide the ideal environment for mold to flourish.
While mold isn’t always dangerous, it’s something you should need to address at the earliest possible opportunity.
Mold can cause structural damage to your house and adversely impact your health. It’s the reason you need to monitor any signs of mold and take appropriate action.
This article shows you how to tell if you have mold in your home.
1. You See Mold Spores or Similar Visible Signs of Mold
The clearest sign that you have a mold infestation in your home is, of course, to see it. There’s a downside to this, though. If you can already see a ton of visible mold in house, chances are the problem is a lot bigger than you may think.
Visible mold spores are just the tip of the iceberg. It's a problem that you cannot take care of by merely scrubbing with soap and sponge.
So what should you do? The best solution is to talk to a reputable mold decontamination company or other experts to help sort the problem, including what may have caused it to begin with.
2. There’s A Weird Smell in Your Air Conditioning or Heating
A subtle sign of mold is a foul smell coming from your HVAC system.
Standalone AC units are particularly prone to mold growth. That’s because they’re dark, damp, and often exposed to warm temperatures. Mold thrives in moist and dark places.
How can you keep mold out of your AC? One way is to avoid placing the unit in a heated closet or basement during the winter, as this can promote mold growth. Also, get a HVAC specialist to check the system regularly.
3. There’s A Musty Odor in the Air
You’ve cleaned the house, steamed the curtains, taken out the trash, and had your HVAC system checked, but there’s still a stale smell in your home. What could be the issue?
Chances are it could be mold.
Various mold species have different odors, so it may be difficult to pinpoint the particular smell. If it’s a smell that’s uncommon in your living space, then get a specialist to investigate it.
4. You Have Flu-Like Symptoms or a Cold That Won’t Go Away
Symptoms of flu could, of course, could be the result of a virus. But if you find that you have a perpetually running nose or keep getting sneezing fits when at home, it could be one of the sneaky signs of mold in home.
But how can you determine for sure if the sickness is mold-related? Try leaving your home for several days. If the symptoms subside and the return when you come back home, it’s highly likely you have a mold problem.
Try to observe whether your flu symptoms seem to get worse whenever you spend time in a specific part of your home, for instance, the basement and the laundry room.
5. There’s Dark Grout between Your Shower Tiles
Another great idea on how to test for mold is to inspect the grout between your tiles next time you’re taking a shower. How does it look like? If it’s dark, then it’s probably mold.
The great news with this kind of mold is that it’s often the harmless kind. The exception is when there was recent flooding in an adjacent room or a leak in your bathroom plumbing. In such a case, the kind of fungus you’re dealing with is probably the toxic kind.
How do you deal with toxic mold? It’s best to let the professionals take care of it. You could also send a sample of the mold for testing to ascertain whether your shower is safe.
6. You’ve Been Getting Frequent Nosebleeds
Many people occasionally get a nosebleed. Ordinarily, people don’t suspect that it’s the mold in their living spaces that is making them sick.
But if the frequency of your nosebleeds has recently gone up, it's likely that there's a mold infestation in your home. Of course, it's always a good idea to visit your physician to rule out any other potential culprits, especially when the nosebleeds are chronic.
7. You Keep Feeling Itchy
How is mold related to the persistent itch you’ve been feeling recently?
Well, everyone knows that mold can grow on the surfaces of their homes, but few realize that it’s also capable of infesting their clothing. Mold thrives in damp areas, and it can perfectly infest that wet towel you frequently leave on the floor.
If you also love to dry your laundry on indoor racks, you’re exposing them to mold growth. The mold on the fibers of your clothing could be causing the itch. So how do you take care of the problem?
The best solution is to ensure that you dry any wet clothing as soon as possible. Also, avoid accumulating damp towels in your bathroom.
8. Your Breathing Problems Have Mysteriously Worsened
The majority of species of household mold do not trouble people without breathing problems. However, they can aggravate the condition of individuals who already suffer from respiratory illnesses. For instance, mold can cause asthma to flare up, worsening your condition.
So how do you deal with the situation?
Firstly, schedule an appointment with your doctor to rule out other possible causes of your worsening condition. If there’s no clear cause, then consider a mold inspection.
Hire Professionals to Deal with Mold Infestation
A mold infestation in your home can wreak havoc on the structure of the house and cause various health issues. The best thing you can do once you’ve become aware of any signs of mold in your home is to get the situation taken care of right away. Find a qualified professional to help you clean the mess before things get worse.
If you suspect that you may have a mold problem in your home, contact us today for assistance and get a free quote right away.